Naturopathic Acupuncture Therapist
Dr. Jian Xiao is a graduate of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in GuangZhou, China. Dr. Xiao has been trained for five years and has practiced acupuncture and herbal medicine as a doctor of Chinese Medicine since 1994. He is well known for his ability to treat complex and difficult cases. His approach to treat addresses both the relief of symptoms as well as the underlying cause of the illness. This is known in T.C.M as treating both the branch and the root.
Dr. Xiao has practiced Qi Gong and Tai Chi for 20 years. He teaches Tai Chi and Qi Gong, combined with Chinese medicine theory.
During his clinic practices, Dr. Xiao administers his own unique, traditional methods (Wai Qi Fa Fang) to treat different illness, which he conducts his own Qi (energy) to pass through needles to enter the clients in order to balance the Yin-Yang, get rid of the energy blockage. This method is good for treating breast cancer, breast fibroids, uterus fibroids, cyst, ovarian cyst, ect.
He is known to be gentle, dedicated and caring to his acupuncture clients. A variety of treatment techniques are implemented such as traditional acupuncture, both with and without electro-stimulation, Moxibustion, cupping, deep tissue massage, heat therapy, oriental spinal adjustment, and various herbal remedies. The treatments are pleasant, relaxing and painless.
Accepting new clients!
Book your appointment with Dr. Xiao please call: 250-859-3657 today!
Massage Therapist
Yi Zhu, a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT), is currently providing massage therapy services through the Sopa Wellness Centre at 213-3030 Pandosy St., Kelowna, BC. She is certified by Vancouver Career College Kelowna and is registered with the College of Massage Therapists in BC (CMTBC). Based on safe and effective treatments, her massage styles range from stress reduction relaxation massage to sports and deep tissue massage. She also treats overuse injuries, chronic pain, headaches, and neck and back pain. Because of her oriental background, she connected Eastern knowledge with Western massage together. She believes massage therapy can aid patients in reducing pain, reach high level health in the body, mind, and spirit, and wellness. Additionally, Yi has worked with the traditional Chinese Acupuncturist for years. Because of her passion to help people, Yi’s mission is to support individuals in achieving life balance through personal wellness. In addition, she speaks English, Mandarin, and a little Cantonese. In her free time, she enjoys gardening, camping and fishing.
Accepting new clients!
Book your appointment with Yi Zhu please call: 250-869-9857 today!